Tuesday, December 13, 2011

day 14!!!

Oh my goodness, 11 days till Christmas?!?!  I am no where near ready!  How about all of you?  Please tell me you are in this boat right along with me!  ;)

Today we have TWO giveaways going on again!!  Yeah!!!  The first one is from Gracie’s mama, Susan, at Our Lives Forever Changed.  Susan is such a sweet (and BUSY) lady, go on over and see her adorable giveaway!

Our second stop is with Drew’s and Albos’ mommy, Kate, at Spend Time in My Shoes.  She has two awesome items she’s giving away!  Go on over and check them out!

Good luck and I hope you are finding some peace during this difficult season!

See you tomorrow! xo

1 comment:

  1. I have autumn done thats it! Xmas cards mite go out this week lol...im in ur boat :) love ya! xxxooo
